Electronic waste
Electronic waste sector
Our company's most dynamically developing sector.
Utilizing its logistical opportunities and site network with national coverage, the Alcufer Group collects the used electronic waste from public service companies, from institutional and residential sources, from organized activities, from business companies, from our partners and from manufacturing companies throughout the country.
Our company is a contracted partner of the Országos Hulladékgazdálkodási Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (National Waste Management Agency Non-profit LLC) in the area of collecting, processing and recovering the used electronic waste.
We forward the countrywide-collected electronic waste to wholly- and partially owned electronic waste processing plants and units with state-of-the-art technology, with recovery representing the highest level of environmental protection and quality complying with the requirements of the age, for the purposes of electronic waste processing and recovery.
Electronic waste receiving, processing and recovery points in the area of the country:
• Alcufer Kft. shredder plant, Fehérvárcsurgó
• Elektronikai Hulladék Hasznosító Kft, Karcag
• E-Elektra Zrt, Dunaújváros
Our company pays particular attention to the employment of prisoners, we are contracted partners of penal institutions in respect of the disassembly and selection of electronic waste.
Division Leader:
Tel.: +36 96 512 700 E-mail: info@alcufer.hu